
Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Recount with a difference -Getting up for school

WALT sequence ideas and avoid repetition.

Feet to floor(hope it’s not cold)

clothes to body ,

breakfast to mouth ,

lunch box to bag ,

brush to teeth (not)

bag to back ,

chrome book to shoulder ,

myself to car , 

butt to seat (if it’s comfy),

wheels to road ,

bye to Dad ,

me to class.


Friday, September 4, 2020

Summarising texts.

Summarising texts. Shared Reading Passage.

WALT - We are learning to write a 3 word summary of a text. 

Text title - Matariki

Author - Moira Wairama

Text type - Non Fiction

List 3 words to describe the text [ main ideas]


Maori New year


Use your own words to write a sentence or 2 summarising your text. 

When Matariki, a group of nine stars appears in the night sky at the beginning of June it signals the beginning of the Maori New Year. 

Friday, August 14, 2020

day of gost ball

this is when we played gost ball  it was a really good day it was really fun.

Friday, July 31, 2020

project energise

 last week we did project energise with morgana it was so so fun i can't what till next week.

Saturday, July 25, 2020

my weekend at home.

25.7.20 Holiday writing Saturday me and my dad were left at home alone because mum and my sister had to go up to the Mangamuka Gorge to direct traffic back away from the huge slip on the road go on to my blog to see more of my work please comment

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Friday, May 29, 2020

Free Writing Frenzy pizza

The doorbell rings. The pizza man gives me my pizza. It has been delivered yay! … Oh no! I got the wrong pizza. Yuk! I don’t like dessert and seafood pizza. It had marshmallows, anchovies and kina toppings with caramel  running down the sides of it. It tastes disgusting. It was my worst pizza I have ever had.

Monday, May 25, 2020

The Mad Hatter - Descriptive writing.

The Mad Hatter  - Story Starter

He was a most peculiar looking chap…..
Can you write a character description of the Mad Hatter?


He was a most peculiar looking chap…      
He smells like he hasn't washed for months 
He looks like  there are red lizards coming out of his hair.
His makeup may taste like white creamy  ice cream. 
He sounds like he has got lots of voices climbing out through his throat. 
Beware if you touch him you will turn to stone!! 

Poem #4 A Sestina

School Kit activity - This task was one of the activities set in the ‘Get NZ writing 2020 challenge.
Poem #4 A Sestina
Each postcard will form one stanza [one part] of a sestina [whole poem].

Think of a specific journey. Long, short, special, everyday, real or fake.
Write six lines about that journey each with only six words, using the following writing prompts.
Something you saw.
Something you remember.
A person who was with you.
A wonderful imagined thing that didn’t actually happen
The reason for your journey.
Your own six word sentence.

My mum came on the trip.
I saw really cool, tall houses.
Explore sightseeing
Food on the plane was sickening.
Haerenga -journey
We went for my Aunty’s birthday.
Taunga - position
I loved going over to Australia
Mahere - Map 
We didn't make it to Movieworld.
Wahi - place

Awesome Experiment with Monster Truck!!!

 I tried to stick Duct tape onto my monster truck tyres. Because I saw it on YouTube.  I wanted it to do drifts.   I found out that the grass and the dirt are too grippy.  Basketball courts and smooth floors would work best. It was fun experimenting with this. Never give up on your dreams. :) 





Thursday, May 14, 2020

At the lake hop scotch and spelling


           One day Riley's Nana gave me some spelling words.  I take them down to the lake and do spelling in  the sand because  Riley and his nana do this. We also found a nice big hop scotch that someone had drawn in the sand. I am really good at it now.   ;-)  

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The Mad Hatter - My Strange Book Character

The Mad Hatter  -  Perfect Picture

Can you create your own strange character for a book?
Draw / Paint a picture
Dress up
Use a toy
Create a digital picture
Build / Sculpt

Once you have created your character add a DLO to this page and post to your blog. 

My strange book character is  built  by me with LEGO. He is a two headed part dog man called WILLY JOHN BOB.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The books that came in the mail

 I tried some maths from the new books we all got sent. It was really hard. I found a fun game that helps you care for the environment and also practice adding to 100 and subtracting from 100. 


Monday, May 11, 2020

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

This Pandemic


What has changed in your life since this pandemic began?
This pandemic has changed my life completely. It is very scary. Some scary things are I'm worried for my nan because she has a heart condition and she is over 70. I feel sad for all the good people that died from coronavirus. I feel happy that I get to spend time with my family because my parents are not essential workers
Me and Nan

Sunday, May 3, 2020

The Beach Day

On Saturday we went to 90 Mile Beach. We went past Hukatere then we hopped out and got the bag ready for the long line. We let the bag go and it didn't go out to sea it went across the beach. After a couple of hours we finally got it out. Yay! We caught a huge snapper for tea.

My dog Nashy loves going to the beach and she gets really excited. When we first got there she boosted out of the truck and had a big run straight in to the flat blue ocean. She loves to swim and put her head under the water.
                                         I didn't catch anything on my rod but I had a good try at it. Dad found two Toheroa. 

My sister and I got a rubbish bag and we picked up lots of rubbish off the sand dunes. We went behind the sand dunes as well. Some nice people pulled up because they saw us picking up rubbish and they gave us $20, we didn't even know them. I felt happy and proud of us.

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Rotisserie Chicken

 DELICIOUS!! Have you ever heard of a Rotisserie Chicken? The first thing you do is builld the fire. Then you stuff the chicken with yummy homemade stuffing. Next you poke the spiks into your chiken and hang it over the hot coals of your fire. Keep rotating your chook so it cooks evenly.

Smokey flavour Flames! Juicy Better than KFC!

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Anzac Day Acrostic Poem April 25th 2020

A All gathered at the mailbox
N Nationwide we remember
 Zombie eyes because it's too early
A Appreciation for those soldiers
Caring and quiet

DDid some crafts 
AApril 25th
Y You must never forget them

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Monday, April 20, 2020

mallow puff Thief

In the night my dad got up and opened my mallow puffs packet.

Friday, April 17, 2020

Creature Hunt Around Lake Ngatu

During Lockdown some of the family's that live at the lake started making things and putting them around the lake for other people to find. Sometimes you would get a photo or a text with a clue and sometimes not. This FANTAIL is on the side by Walker's farm but we haven't found it yet. 
                                                    Coconut Kiwi is easiest to find it is on the track south of the bench                                                          seat and it is sitting in a punga log. Me and my dad made it and it is a                               real coconut. 
                                                       Penguin keeps getting moved around by other people but it is over by Walker's farm side too. He is painted with real paint.
                                                           Owl is made out of a broken skateboard and it has just been spray painted cool colours. The eyes are painted too. The clue is to look up to the tops of the trees. It is before you get to Margy's driveway.
                                                             Parlour's Snake is really high up in the trees and not far from the fruit stall by Missy's house. We don't know how they got it up there......
                                                               Fire Breathing Dragon is near Walker's farm and it is evil because it has a sign saying "I'm evil"
                                                         Snowman is made out of rocks. It is near the Walker's property on the far side of the lake track.

  1.                                                          Margy's  Snake we haven't found yet. She said it is at eye level so we will keep hunting for it.

                                                                    Waka are in the reeds. You can see them from the bench seat .  They are easy to find. We made them and hope they don't float to the other side of the lake.