
Friday, September 21, 2018

Car racing Animation

In my Animation is a car racing  around a track.

Friday, September 14, 2018

my lock dwon

Sir uses a mega phone to say this is a lock down he goes on and on we had to walk sensibly to the rooms. The year 4 and 5's went into the teachers room. he year 2 and 3's went into the break out room until sir said  it is  all  clear to come out . We had to sit and be quiet with our backs  to the wall and wait until it was safe to come out.

my holaday


On the weekend I woke up really early. I

helped mum and dad get ready to go to

Auckland, then we waited for my sister and

then we left at 5am, our adventure was just

starting. Mum and dad shared the driving to

Auckland.  We stopped at Whangarei and had

some McDonalds. I had a hotcakes and a hashbrown. 

Mum got a hash brown and a coffee and dad got a hot

Chocolate.  Dad kept driving, after that we went to the

Auckland hotel. We unpacked and we setup our room

and then dad and me went to  Rainbows End. Dad and I

went on the log flume.